Jocelyn Knight

22 thoughts on “Jocelyn Knight

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  1. Love how you elaborated on the meaning of a small moment in your life and made it into a really touching and revealing story :’)


  2. Jocelyn’s story shows how it is important to recognize how families, groups of people, and cultures do and experience things differently, and it is a sign of disrespect in many of these instances if one does not follow the rules or expectations of that particular family, group, or culture.


  3. This was an interesting story and it was about something I had never thought about before. I definitely find this subject to be intriguing, and I think that your description was really well done.


  4. From a Chinese family, it is law to take off your shoes at the front door. The kitchen only a few steps from the door. If I tried to walk over, I’ll get my butt kicked. If I’m not caught, the guilt builds up within me.


  5. Very interesting story! Personally, I can’t stand it when people wear their shoes around the house. Very unfortunate.


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